
7/28/2024 : Sunday
2:00a - 6:00a
D&D 5e
Homebrew Curse of Strahd Homebrew 1-10 Party is level 4 room for 2 more players
levels 0-0
2 avail

Sun, 7/28/2024
2:00a - 6:00a
Firefly Toys & Games (map)

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Calius_Shontor - 7/21/2024 7:34:40 PM
To join the game join this discord:

7/31/2024 : Wednesday
7:00p - 9:00p
Keys from the Golden Vault : Masterpiece Imbroglio
Historic Campaign
levels 5-10
4 hrs
7 avail

Wed, 7/31/2024
7:00p - 9:00p
Firefly Toys & Games (map)

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8/2/2024 : Friday
7:00p - 10:00p
Other Savage Worlds Fantasy Campaign
levels 0-100
3 avail
This will be a session 0 for character creation and setting up the world. The system is Savage Worlds Adventurer Edition. I am able to provide PDFs of the books for the system. If you are interested and the sign up here isn't working you can send me an email at

Fri, 8/2/2024
7:00p - 10:00p
Firefly Toys & Games (map)

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7/9/2024 6:39:07 PM - Toothpick the Ferret
Hello, Adventurers League DMs. We have been asked to run AL content at MegaMooseCon again this year. It’s scheduled for September 20-22, 2024. If you are interested, reach out to me. It’s a small, fun con with a laid-back atmosphere. We’d like to have 2-3 tables staffed. The conference website:


7/21/2024 7:38:00 PM - Calius_Shontor
There are two openings for players for my Curse of Strahd Homebrew Campaign.

Anyone interested must make level 4 characters. Feats and Multiclassing allowed.

7/17/2024 2:54:22 PM - Autumn
Alright, so my husband posted this for me a while ago but since I'm much closer to being ready to run the game now...

Would there be anyone interested in playing a Savage Worlds Adventurer Edition fantasy game? I'm willing to take it slow since I'm still adjusting to their system, so not knowing the system isn't a problem. The world will be homebrew and I want to focus a bit more on the role play aspect, which is where this system can shine.

I will be doing a session 0 for character creation and setting the state of the world. I can provide PDFs if you want to have the books on hand. I also plan to run this on Friday evenings at Firefly, starting at 7:00 pm. There won't be combat every single session. I would like to begin next month, August, though I do not have a defined date just yet. I really want to see if people are interested in trying something new.

Pockets - 7/17/2024 3:31:05 PM

Sounds pretty interesting what time around would it end?though I suppose that’s dependent on who shows up and how you plan on doing it

Autumn - 7/17/2024 3:40:35 PM
Pretty much. Combat can be what they describe as "crunchy" with a whole lot of snowball and one-shot potential with their Acing system. I will explain in session 0 and have a possible combat if we finish character creation in a decent amount of time. The goal is typically 7 to 10, though a bit of runover is possible.